Hell Robotics is for students who are passionate about science and technology.  We were founded in September 2017, and participated in the 2018 FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) as the first Norwegian team ever!  Between seasons we work in the local community to spread the spirit of FIRST, in a country where it isn’t as widespread as in many other countries.

In the spring of 2019 we participated in two FRC competitions in New York and in October the same year, we participated in FIRST Global Challenge (FGC) in Dubai and our alliance WON the challenge. In Dubai, we were competing against 190 teams from 190 countries.

Want to join us? We SEEK NEW MEMBERS in ages 15 to 18, if interested please have a look at this page!


Åpen kveld 9.10.24

HELL ROBOTICS holder åpent verksted førstkommende onsdag 9.10 kl. 19. Da kan du komme innom for å høre litt mer om hva vi driver med. Vi er…

Nytt sommertilbud fra oss

Vi lanserer et nytt tilbud til unge mellom 10 og 16 år, nemlig en “Sommerskole” eller Makerspace for de som er interesserte i teknologi og robotikk 😍…


Vi skal være med på mega-lan’et The Gathering i Vikingeskipet i påska. Der skal vi holde foredrag, workshops og konkurranser. Og vi skal selvfølgelig ha med oss…

Long time, no see…

Sorry for not updating the blog lately  😥 but here is a short status… We’re still up and running, but not at full speed. Though we have…

Got questions? Want to talk to us? Get in touch!

Make a donation (PayPal)

We are a Non-Profit Youth Organization